Nourishment for mind, body, and soul.
Golden Milk

Golden Milk

Recipe for Turmeric Golden Milk

Heat 2 cups milk (or unsweetened coconut, almond, or other non-dairy milk) in a large saucepan

Add 1/2 tablespoon peeled, grated fresh ginger (fresh is best but ⅛ – ¼ teaspoon powder will work)

Add 1 tablespoon peeled, grated fresh turmeric (again, fresh is best but if all you have is powdered, be sure the spice only contains turmeric and just a pinch will do)

Add 3-4 black peppercorns, as desired (pepper potentiates the effects of the other spices and is anti-inflammatory as well)

Stir well

Cook covered for 10 minutes.  Use very low heat and watch the pot.  Stir as needed to prevent the ingredients from sticking to the bottom or burning.

Strain and sweeten to taste (if desired).  If you choose to sweeten with honey (raw is the only type to use here), be sure the milk has cooled to touch before adding.

You can try blending the mixture for a frothy, whole herb experience.


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