Nourishment for mind, body, and soul.
Author: <span>Beth Bazevage</span>

Author: Beth Bazevage


Learn About Ayurveda

Learn About Ayurveda

Radiate health and vitality with Ayurveda.

This short presentation describes how aligning our lifestyle with the rhythms of nature daily, seasonally, and across the lifespan allows the body-mind to function at its natural best.

Here’s what you’ll learn in the video:

How does Ayurveda work?

The emphasis in Ayurveda is on bringing your body and mind into balance with nature according to your unique constitution.

The premise of Ayurveda, a system that has been practiced for as many as 5,000 years, is raising your level of well-being creates a state where illness has a more difficult time manifesting in your health.

This is done by paying attention to subtle changes daily, seasonally, and throughout the lifespan.

Imagine having more vitality and feeling more balanced.

What you’ll gain in the complete Introduction to Ayurveda course
  • In the complete course, you’ll learn the concepts as they relate your unique mind-body type.
  • You’ll learn your own natural constitution or dosha, and how to keep it in balance.
  • We’ll explore ways to stoke your digestive fire for all sensory experience and reduce the toxins in your system.
  • Finally, we’ll investigate seasonal rhythms and how to maximize health throughout the year.

Apply Ayurveda in your own life and experience the benefits!


Here is the survey link mentioned in the video


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