Regular meditation practice has physical, mental, and emotional benefits. Stress (aka daily life!) contributes to the causes of unhealthy states such as insomnia, anxiety, depression, poor immunity, heart conditions, and circulatory disorders. Meditation is an antidote to stress!
While thousands of years of study and practice have shown the usefulness of meditation, modern science has ‘proven’ the benefits of meditation. Several studies have shown scientific support for these claims, including a recent study at Massachusetts General:
“It is fascinating to see the brain’s plasticity and that, by practicing meditation, we can play an active role in changing the brain and can increase our well-being and quality of life” (Britta Hölzel, PhD).
According to Science Daily (2011), “participating in an 8-week mindfulness meditation program appears to make measurable changes in brain regions associated with memory, sense of self, empathy and stress.”
These changes to the structure and function of the brain were documented with imaging equipment which supports that people aren’t just feeling better with meditation – they have actually begun to restructure their brains!
Meditation provides the opportunity to dive into a field of infinite possibilities that are available when we become conscious choice-makers. We have thousands of thoughts every waking moment. Between each thought is a gap where there is no-thought, no mind chatter. The gap is a silent field of creative awareness; the thinker of the thoughts resides in this silence – not the critic, evaluator, personality, or ego.
YOU are not your thoughts; you have thoughts. With all that ‘noise’ quieted, we are better able to make conscious choices rather than reactive choices. We reprogram our ‘software’, so to speak, and this results in a more peaceful, loving experience of life.
Ready to learn more?
Get on the wait list for the next Primordial Sound Meditation class! In the meantime, enjoy this preview: