Nourishment for mind, body, and soul.
7 tips for balance this winter

7 tips for balance this winter

Winter is a time for drawing inward and nurturing your Body – Mind & Spirit.

For some, winter can be a difficult time due to intolerance to cold and a tendency to contract respiratory illnesses.

Others suffer from arthritic pain, depression, loneliness, and fatigue.

Perhaps by applying the following suggestions, your experience of the winter months can transform to a time of creativity, growth, and good health.

Let me know how it goes for you.

Use your good judgment!  These suggestions should not replace medical care!

Seek the advice of your health care provider before implementing suggestions.


7 tips for balance this winter

According to the principles in Ayurveda, the sister science of Yoga, correcting imbalances caused by our lifestyle may lead to an improved sense of well-being.  Try these tips and see if you notice any changes in how you feel.


Drink warm to hot beverages.  Try inflammation reducing herbal teas instead of adrenal whipping caffeinated beverages.

Sip on warm to hot water flavored with lemon if desired first thing in the morning and during the day.

These are nurturing and healthy for you, as opposed to coffee or black tea.

An infusion of fresh ginger, cumin seeds, fennel seeds, and a few black peppercorns (use sparingly) is warming and stimulating.  Steep with water just off the boil for an hour then sip throughout the day.  Adjust the ingredients to your taste and tolerance.


Turmeric is an herb root known for its anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting effects, perfect for winter.  There are several different turmeric teas available or try Turmeric Golden Milk.

Warming spices include cinnamon, cardamom, and cayenne.   Favor these in your cooking if your body is asking for a soothing Kapha reducing recipe.


Cultivate the routine of self-massage with warm herb-infused or fragrant oils. This will add time to your morning routine but it’s so worth it!

Many dosha-specific oils are available for purchase.  Alternatively, choose to concoct your own with your favorite essential oils.

Use long strokes on the long bones of your arms and legs and circular motions over the joints.  Use oil liberally but remember to use a dedicated towel to remove excess.

Oils will stain towels and are slippery on tile and tubs.  Exercise precaution so you don’t fall.  Use organic oils when possible.


Warming soups and healthy fats contribute to reducing excess Vata Dosha. Bypass excess consumption of bread and pasta to avoid wintertime weight gain, a common side effect of Kapha dosha increase.


Keep a regular routine every day to balance Vata.  Daily routines should include self-care, time for meditation. Yoga or stretches, eating healthy food at regular intervals, early to bed and early to rise.


Some type of vigorous exercise for 20 to 30 minutes should be incorporated in your daily routine a few times a week to counter the heavy earthy energy of Kapha.

Aim for obtaining a daily dose of sunshine while you exercise for best results. Be sure to keep warm and wear a scarf around your neck (tuck in the tails).


Practice gratitude and grace. Spend time with people who love you and who will laugh with you. Being around positive people will help you maintain a positive outlook on life and will ward off the winter doldrums.

Vata – Pitta – Kapha.  What’s your dosha?
Take the Dosha Quiz!